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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

News - Active Flag - Active School Week

2020/2021 School Year

7th May 2021
Our Active School Flag Committee decided as part of Active School Week to run an...
4th May 2021
From the 29th of March until the 30th of May, the whole school took part in the...
3rd May 2021
Thank you to our friends in Active Flag for sending us out some lovely resources...
3rd May 2021
As part of Active School Week, all classes, children and staff were challenged to...
3rd May 2021
Active School Week 2021 finished today after a busy week of events. It was fantastic...
3rd May 2021
"Tag Thursday" Day 4 completed and what a penultimate day we had. A huge Thank You...
3rd May 2021
Day 3 complete and we were blessed with the weather for our dance classes with Amie...
3rd May 2021
Day 2 completed and the rain showers didn't stop us having fun. Huge thank you...
3rd May 2021
The sun shone for a fantastic first day of Active School Week. Thank you to Fr.Sean...
29th Apr 2021
For Friday's Active Challenge and to mark Local Hero Day, we have nominated two...