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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

Active Week Day 4

3rd May 2021
"Tag Thursday" Day 4 completed and what a penultimate day we had. A huge Thank You must go to our neighbour, Stephen Coy from Longford RFC for taking every class for Tag Rugby today. Everyone had a brilliant time thanks to Stephen and it is certainly a sport we would love to get back up and running in our school. It was great to see some of the teachers being "tagged" also. Our Sonas classes enjoyed some timeout playing with their new equipment they received from Longford Sports Partnership.  Lots of classes headed out for Orienteering using our new Active Walkway signs. We were able to integrate Orienteering into Literacy and Numeracy tasks. We will continue this into May and June. Some classes tried out Captain Marie Carrigy's challenge of a bear crawl for 100 metres. Some students even challenged their teacher to complete it with them-"It's a team effort". Stephen and Emmet continued impressing the children with Parkour in the hall and 1st, 3rd and 4th classes recorded their Jersulaem Dance challenge. Well done to everyone and we are looking forward to #FeelGoodFriday #JerseyDay tomorrow with the continued focus on more Local Heroes. #ASW21