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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

"Run Around Ireland" Challenge

4th May 2021

From the 29th of March until the 30th of May, the whole school took part in the "Run Around Ireland" Active Flag Initiative. The 6th class children in Mr. Toher's class mapped out a kilometre route around our school. Every class got a laminated template to fill in their kilometres every day. Every class also received a map of the school campus marking out our route. We had great fun over the four weeks from walking to running. We also worked in our classrooms researching the different places we could virtually visit by completing this task. Some classes had great fun presenting their projects on their chosen tourist destination. The last week of the challenge coincided with our Active School Week and the official launch of our Active School Walkway. We also used our walkway to complete orienteering challenges integrating Literacy and Numeracy. Over the four weeks our school community completed a incredible 7,876kilometres. We think we could be the fittest school in Longford and possibly Leinster. We cannot wait for next year's challenge.