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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

News - Green Schools

2023/2024 School Year

19th Jun 2024
1st and 2nd Class headed outside armed with bin bags and litter pickers today to...
19th Jun 2024
1st and 2nd Class headed outside armed with bin bags and litter pickers today to...
23rd May 2024
Today all classes had a visit from the Education Team at Mulleady's to talk to us...
15th May 2024
What a wonderful day we had in St. Teresa's NS as we celebrated our first annual...
1st May 2024
The Green School Committee organised a fantastic Whole School Spring Clean today....
25th Feb 2024
Our Green School Committee had a meeting last week. They discussed lots of topics,...
10th Jan 2024
2nd Class have been busy litter picking as part of the Picker Pals programme. Have...
20th Dec 2023
The Green School Committee did a little litter spot check today! They were surprised...
10th Sep 2023
Meet our new Green School Committee for 2023! The new committee will work together...