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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

Active Week Day 3

3rd May 2021

Day 3 complete and we were blessed with the weather for our dance classes with Amie Duignan from the The Peelo School of Dance. What a buzz it created around the school! Every class and their teachers enjoyed the dance class and we hope the girls and boys can show their parents a few moves later on. Thank you Amie for a fantastic day. Our Active Week Motto Competition is continuing all week and there are some lovely art pieces being produced. It will be very hard to pick a winner. Stay tuned for the winner at the end of the week. Lots of classes are out and about making a fantastic effort to clock up the kilometres in the final week of the "Run Around Ireland Challenge". As of last Friday, our school community had over 5,000 kilometres travelled!!!! Parkour is proving to be a huge hit from our youngest students to our 6th class students. Huge thanks again to Stephen and Emmet from Longford Sports Partnership . Can you stay again for next week??? Cian Mc Phillips has set us our challenge from earlier and lots of classes completed this as a movement break within their classes. Test your parents this evening.  Well done to Tilly, Robyn and Dayna from 6th class who were helping our 3rd and 4th classes with their Jersulaem dance challenge. Well done everyone.