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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

Active Week Day 5

3rd May 2021
Active School Week 2021 finished today after a busy week of events. It was fantastic to see lots of colour around the school for Jersey Day. We would like to thank Mick Murphy from Longford Falcons for this afternoon's basketball lessons with our Senior classes. Lots of classes were busy completing their balloon challenge set by Darragh Greene and their jumping challenge set by Nelvin Appiah. We will have our Jersulaem dance video ready next week when we put together clips from each class. Prizes will be given out for our Active Week Motto Competition where there were lots of excellent entries. Once again thank you to Parkour and Longford Sports Partnership
for being with us all week. We finished our "Run Around Ireland" Active Flag Challenge which we had been completing as a school for the last four weeks. Thank you to Ronan and David from 6th for tallying up the kilometres. As a school we covered 7,876km over four weeks!!!You should be all very proud of each other. Thank you to the parents for sending videos in of the home challenges. Huge thank you to the staff of the school for their efforts all week. Finally, the most important thank you goes to the children from our school, from Junior Infants to our Sonas classes to our 6th class leading the school-we are very proud of you all and we hope you enjoyed the week. Take a well deserved break and see you all Tuesday. #ASW21