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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

Active Week Day 2

3rd May 2021
Day 2 completed and the rain showers didn't stop us having fun. Huge thank you to Brendan, Madeline and Ben Doyle and all in the Longford Sports Partnership and also the Sports Inclusion Section for spending time with our children from the four Sonas Classes. They completed a Balanceability Bike Programme with the children and we are hoping after the success of today, they will be back with us soon again. More classes got time with Parkour in the hall with Stephen and Emmet. There are lots of children enjoying the challenges set, including balancing, jumping and climbing the obstacles. Eoin from Longford GAA was back today to continue focusing on our G.A.A Skills. Junior and Senior Infants and our three Senior classes had their regular G.A.A slot. Thank you to intern coaches Rebeka and Tamara for their help and support. Lots of classes were spotted out and about on the Active School Walkway. We have covered way more kilometres than we ever thought we would and we will continue this until Friday's Last Day. Other classes competed today's challenge set by Aodh Dervin while others worked on their Jersulaem Dance performance. Stations were set up on the field by Patrick, Ronan and Oran from 6th class and lots enjoyed the challenges including two ball soloing, dribbling and shooting for goals and long jumps. We will catch our breath this evening and we look forward to families continuing to send in the challenge videos to their son or daughter's class teacher