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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

News - 3rd/4th Class

2020/2021 School Year

1st Dec 2020
What a fantastic day we had last Friday for the first #FeelGoodFriday of the Year. ...
13th Nov 2020
Science Week 2020 was from the 8th to 15th of November. Room 9 had a fantastic time...
16th Oct 2020
We had a super time during Maths week. Why not ask us about the beebots!
16th Oct 2020
The children have been exploring how people in the stone age used different tools...
21st Sep 2020
Explore our new school Website: Have a go at these questions and please write...
11th Sep 2020
Welcome to our 3rd and 4th Class page for this coming year. Ms. Brady teaches...