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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

News - 3rd/4th Class

9th Sep 2024
Welcome to our 3rd and 4th Class page for this coming year. Mrs. Fox and Mrs....

2023/2024 School Year

12th Jun 2024
Huge Congratulations and well done to Hannah Mc Enroe from 3rd Class on winning...
29th May 2024
We had a most exciting and memorable day last Tuesday when our class went to visit...
15th Mar 2024
Third and Fourth class students marked the end of Seachtain na Gaeilge in the lead...
11th Mar 2024
Third and Fourth class had a special guest local author and past pupil of our school...
21st Feb 2024
Third and Fourth class students created their own brilliant bridges using a variety...
21st Dec 2023
We took part in a STEM workshop recently and got to make and design kites.
21st Dec 2023
We were recently assigned a ringfort project. We had been learning all about ringforts...
21st Dec 2023
We had great fun on our trip to Corlea Bog.