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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

News - 3rd/4th Class

2022/2023 School Year

30th Mar 2023
Room 9 - 4th class developed their engineering skills, making their own bridges...
30th Mar 2023
Room 4 & Room 9 are really enjoying their shared reading sessions. It is a very...
30th Mar 2023
Room 9 - 4th class really enjoyed researching different counties in Ireland. They...
16th Mar 2023
Just a little something to remind you that you're very special and loved no matter...
15th Feb 2023
All the children in Room 9 enjoyed researching facts on Italy. They used their construction...
27th Jan 2023
Grandparents Day was a huge success. Thank you so much to all the Grandparents and...
25th Jan 2023
22nd Jan 2023
4th Class using their constructive and creativity skills in the snow. 
6th Jan 2023
Well done to Kyle-Henrique  Sammon Fernandes who came 1st place in the recent...
1st Dec 2022
The children in third class have been learning all about Space. They created these...