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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

News - 3rd/4th Class

2021/2022 School Year

6th Feb 2022
We may not have the weather, we may not have the resources but that doesn't stop...
31st Jan 2022
The children in third class have been learning about abstract art and artists. We...
31st Jan 2022
We were learning how mountains and  volcanoes are formed. We really enjoyed...
25th Jan 2022
Each day 4th class complete a test of 100 random tables on their whiteboards, today...
25th Jan 2022
4th Class took part in a Maths Trail exploring their local school environment. They...
25th Jan 2022
4th Class really enjoyed the opportunity to develop their football skills with Eoghan....
25th Jan 2022
3rd and 4th class are having fun  participating in gymnastics for P.E. 
25th Jan 2022
3rd and 4th class have been busy using their art skills to create these wonderful...
21st Dec 2021
Wishing everyone a very happy & healthy Christmas and New Year. We really...