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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

News - 3rd/4th Class

2021/2022 School Year

8th Sep 2021
Meet our 3rd and 4th Classes

2020/2021 School Year

23rd Jun 2021
The TAPP (Teacher Artist Partnership Project) is a joint partnership between...
3rd May 2021
Water Safety Ireland’s PAWS (Primary Aquatics Water Safety) outlines the essential...
16th Mar 2021
Here are a small sample of the amazing work created during home schooling in third...
8th Feb 2021
The children have been writing poetry. Here are some of our amazing examples.
8th Feb 2021
Third class have been learning about the Bronze age as part of their home learning....
8th Feb 2021
The children in third class have been working so hard at home. They have been learning...
21st Dec 2020
We hope you enjoy our production called: "It's a party!!" Have a Merry Christmas...
21st Dec 2020
What a day we had for our 2nd #FeelGoodFriday of the Year so far. We decided to...
11th Dec 2020
Over the month of November and into December, the whole school took part in an Movement...