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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

News - 5th/6th Class

2020/2021 School Year

1st Dec 2020
What a fantastic day we had last Friday for the first #FeelGoodFriday of the Year. ...
27th Nov 2020
25th Nov 2020
Over the last few weeks, the boys and girls from Mr. Toher's class and Mrs. Belton's...
13th Nov 2020
This year Science week took place from November 8th to 15th. As part of our homework...
12th Nov 2020
Maths Week 2020 Maths Week 2020 took place from the 10 th to 18 th of October....
4th Nov 2020
How we are dealing with Covid-19 in St Teresa’s NS: Covid-19 has definitely...
8th Oct 2020
For the last number of weeks in Geography, we have discussed the importance of...
21st Sep 2020
Explore our new school Website: Have a go at these questions and please write...
11th Sep 2020
Mrs. Farrell's 5th Class Mrs. Belton's 5th and 6th Class Mr. Toher's 6th Class
4th Sep 2020
P.E. Equipment Monitors: Every year we appoint P.E. Leaders from 6 th class....