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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

News - 5th/6th Class

2022/2023 School Year

7th Feb 2023
Well done to the boys from 5th and 6th class who represented us at half-time in...
2nd Feb 2023
Today we made some St Brigid's Day crosses in 5th class.  They were quite...
2nd Feb 2023
After a long absence due to Covid, Indoor Hurling is back!  We have three...
17th Nov 2022
As part of Science Week 2023, we organised a Science Fair with all four classes...
11th Nov 2022
We had great fun in 6th class creating our Spaced Themed Art out of fibre and fibre...
10th Nov 2022
We were delighted to welcome back Ciaran to our school. Ciaran will spend the next...
10th Nov 2022
There was great excitement in the 6th class corridor on Thursday 10th of November...
8th Nov 2022
Well done to the boys and girls from our school who are part of the Evolution StageSchool....
25th Oct 2022
Today in 5th class we became scientists with the help of our teacher and two scientists...
27th Sep 2022
Some of our Art Work in 5th Class.