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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

News - 5th/6th Class

2022/2023 School Year

6th Sep 2022
Callie and Kian will take charge of the laptops and will bring them around to the...
31st Aug 2022
The sun shone on day 1 as we welcomed all our classes back to school for another...

2021/2022 School Year

24th Feb 2022
On Wednesday Murph the goat came back into 5th class for a visit. The class couldn't...
24th Feb 2022
We recently celebrated Internet Safety Week. We had Internet Safety Workshops with...
23rd Feb 2022
Some photos of our recent Art display.
23rd Feb 2022
In History we were learning about life in Ireland during the Eighteenth- century....
23rd Feb 2022
County Photos were in the school on Tuesday to take individual, group and class...
23rd Feb 2022
Over the last few weeks we have had Tag Rugby for 5th and 6th Classes with Aoghan...
3rd Feb 2022
Huge congratulations to Matthew Yacob in Ms. Fox’s 6 th class and Conor Nolan...
26th Jan 2022
Happy New Year to everyone. Everyone in 5th class believes it's going to be a great...