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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

News - Active Flag - Physical Education

2020/2021 School Year

14th Sep 2020
Sports Day is one of our student's favourite days of the year. It is usually held...
14th Sep 2020
At the start of the academic year, there is a P.E. folder sent to each section of...
11th Sep 2020
This month we are working on the Fundamental Movement Skill of Catching. Have...
3rd Sep 2020
Please have a read of our school P.E. Policy.  It is reviewed at the end...

2019/2020 School Year

8th Apr 2020
Last January, training began for the Annual Sports hall Indoor Athletics competition....
28th Feb 2020
Gymnastics Strand: In January and February, we were focusing on the Strand:...
18th Dec 2019
We are delighted to have our some of our pupils in the Senior classes join Ms. Connaughton's...
8th Nov 2019
The staff of St. Teresa's National school engaged in Continuing Professional Development...

2018/2019 School Year

13th Jun 2019
Well done to our schoolboys and schoolgirls teams of 2018-2019. We wish all our...
13th Oct 2018
Last week, we received the Health Promoting Schools’ Flag from the HSE as...