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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

Sports Day

14th Sep 2020

Sports Day is one of our student's favourite days of the year. It is usually held in June when the sun is shining. We have running races, relay races, egg and spoon races, sack races, three legged races and of course the funniest race -the mammy and daddies race.  Children from the whole school is included in all events and it is very much a day for everyone. We also have finals of the internal school competitions ran by the teachers leading up to Sports Day. These include rounders, basketball and gaelic football.

Sometimes if we are lucky Mr. Ice-cream man arrives with treats for us. Due to covid19, last year, we had a virtual Sports Day where we did all our activities at home and uploaded our pictures to our teachers. It was great fun but not the same. We hope this year we can do something in school keeping to the restrictions in place.