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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

News - Active Flag - Physical Education

2020/2021 School Year

6th May 2021
We are delighted and thankful to Longford Sports Partnership for making these fantastic...
3rd May 2021
Water Safety Ireland’s PAWS (Primary Aquatics Water Safety) outlines the essential...
3rd May 2021
As part of Active School Week, all classes, children and staff were challenged to...
30th Apr 2021
This year and last year a number of our staff members engaged with courses to help...
30th Apr 2021
We loved working on this Fundamental Movement Skill! Once again, we were able...
14th Apr 2021
As part of our focus on Fundamental Skills especially in the games strand, there...
12th Apr 2021
This month we are working on the Fundamental Movement Skill of Skipping. Have...
31st Mar 2021
We focused on the Fundamental Movement Skill of Throwing over the month of March....
1st Mar 2021
This month we are working on the Fundamental Movement Skill of Throwing. Have...
11th Dec 2020
The Active School Committee met last week and we asked every class to come up with...