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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

News - Active Flag - Partnerships

2020/2021 School Year

23rd Apr 2021
We had a very successful "socially distant" Active Flag Committee meeting outside...
22nd Apr 2021
The countdown is on until ACTIVE SCHOOLS WEEK 2021 begins next Monday. The school...
6th Apr 2021
Congratulations to Ava Finneran and Cliodhna Ní Mhaonaigh on their recent...
30th Oct 2020
After one of our Active School Committee meetings last week, we decided to send...
20th Oct 2020
14th Sep 2020
We had a lot of very happy boys and girls on Monday morning when G.A.A. Coaching...
4th Sep 2020
P.E. Equipment Monitors: Every year we appoint P.E. Leaders from 6 th class....

2019/2020 School Year

8th Apr 2020
Last January, training began for the Annual Sports hall Indoor Athletics competition....
28th Feb 2020
We are very lucky to have a fantastic G.A.A tradition in our school. Every year,...
20th Feb 2020
Well done to our boys and girls basketball teams under the watchful eye of Mr. Mulligan,...