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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

News - Active Flag - Partnerships

2020/2021 School Year

10th May 2021
Parent’s Feedback Re: Active School Week: School Active Week was one of...
7th May 2021
Our Active School Flag Committee decided as part of Active School Week to run an...
6th May 2021
We are delighted and thankful to Longford Sports Partnership for making these fantastic...
4th May 2021
The ASF Committee recently completed a survey on active clubs that our pupils...
3rd May 2021
Thank you to our friends in Active Flag for sending us out some lovely resources...
3rd May 2021
Day 3 complete and we were blessed with the weather for our dance classes with Amie...
29th Apr 2021
For Friday's Active Challenge and to mark Local Hero Day, we have nominated two...
28th Apr 2021
Thursday's Active Challenge comes to you from our very own Marie Carrigy. Marie...
26th Apr 2021
Tuesday's Challenge comes to you from our Longford Town local hero, Aodh Dervin....
24th Apr 2021
Please find attached resources and ideas to use at home during Active School Week....