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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

News - Active Flag - Physical Activity

2020/2021 School Year

15th Jan 2021
Who is up for a challenge? Does your family want to take part?  We are...
21st Dec 2020
What a day we had for our 2nd #FeelGoodFriday of the Year so far. We decided to...
15th Dec 2020
Thank you to Master Colm Harte, our former Principal for his kind contribution to...
14th Dec 2020
Our Traditional Santa Dash will take place this Friday 18th of December. Children...
11th Dec 2020
Over the month of November and into December, the whole school took part in an Movement...
1st Dec 2020
We love being ACTIVE in St. Teresa's National School. If you take a walk around...
1st Dec 2020
What a fantastic day we had last Friday for the first #FeelGoodFriday of the Year. ...
22nd Oct 2020
Maths Trails: It wouldn’t be Maths Week without a Maths Trail!!!! We...
8th Oct 2020
Some classes got out and about on our school campus to complete Maths Numeracy Trails...
28th Sep 2020
We had a fantastic day last Friday for European School Sport's Day. We had loads...