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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

Climb the Heights Skipping Challenge:

15th Jan 2021

Who is up for a challenge? Does your family want to take part? 

We are asking you to take on this challenge for the next four weeks. You are asked to complete as many skips as possible each day. If you do not have a skipping rope, you can complete jumping jacks or high knees instead.

Every skip or jumping jack you perform counts as 1 metre. 

You then record your tally on the attached template. If you can persuade your family to take part, each of their skips will count as well. By the end of the four weeks, which family will have climbed the highest peaks in Europe?

So let's get up and about and keep active during this time. 

Please send any pictures to your class teacher!

Have fun!!!

15th Jan 2021