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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

News - Homepage

2023/2024 School Year

15th Mar 2024
Bhí lá glas againn ar an Aoine. Bhain na páistí an taitneamh...
13th Mar 2024
Our Music for Schools Choir have been very busy rehearsing for the National Finals...
13th Mar 2024
Room 4 had a wonderful World Book Day. They introduced themselves in character to...
8th Mar 2024
2nd Class had great fun for World Book Day. We started the day with Show and Tell....
8th Mar 2024
2nd Class headed into Longford Gymnastics Club for their final session.  They...
7th Mar 2024
A Wonderful World Book Day in Room 3!
4th Mar 2024
We were learning all about whales in room 3.  We read a story in our readers...
25th Feb 2024
Our Green School Committee had a meeting last week. They discussed lots of topics,...