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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

News - Homepage

2020/2021 School Year

10th Jun 2021
⚡Backstage Theatre has lots in store for kids over the next week as part of their...
3rd Jun 2021
Over the last two weeks, we have been learning all about persuasive writing in Room...
2nd Jun 2021
With sunshine on our minds and inspired by Vincent van Gogh, we created our own...
31st May 2021
Please support our Killoe Ladies this coming weekend with their Zoom Bingo Fundraiser....
26th May 2021
We were delighted to be informed by Longford Sports Partnership that we won the...
17th May 2021
Congratulations to all our Art Competition Winners from Mental Health Awareness...
16th May 2021
We did it!!! We got great news in the post last week! Our school has won it's very...
16th May 2021
Our school raised an amazing €620 on Mental Health Awareness Day! The...
16th May 2021
Our First Annual Mental Health Awareness Day was held on Friday 23rd April. Our...