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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher


2020/2021 School Year

4th Sep 2020
P.E. Equipment Monitors: Every year we appoint P.E. Leaders from 6 th class....
4th Sep 2020
The school is working on the fifth theme of Biodiversity as well as maintaining...
3rd Sep 2020
Please have a read of our school P.E. Policy.  It is reviewed at the end...
1st Sep 2020
Last year, we decided to have a Virtual Sports Week in place of our traditional...

2019/2020 School Year

8th Apr 2020
Last January, training began for the Annual Sports hall Indoor Athletics competition....
28th Feb 2020
We are very lucky to have a fantastic G.A.A tradition in our school. Every year,...
28th Feb 2020
Gymnastics Strand: In January and February, we were focusing on the Strand:...