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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher


2020/2021 School Year

8th Oct 2020
Some classes got out and about on our school campus to complete Maths Numeracy Trails...
8th Oct 2020
Hi, our names are James, Sorcha, Dayna and Tilly. We are from the Senior end of...
8th Oct 2020
For the last number of weeks in Geography, we have discussed the importance of...
5th Oct 2020
GOAL Jersey Day will take place on Friday 9th of October. We are asking all children...
30th Sep 2020
There was great excitement in September when everyone returned to school. All the...
28th Sep 2020
We had a fantastic day last Friday for European School Sport's Day. We had loads...
24th Sep 2020
We have broken down the Fundamental Movement Skills to be covered over two years....
22nd Sep 2020
At the start of every year, we organise a P.E. Timetable for every class. Every...
22nd Sep 2020
During the Summer of 2020, we bought new PE equipment. Our P.E. storeroom needed...
21st Sep 2020
Explore our new school Website: Have a go at these questions and please write...