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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher


2020/2021 School Year

22nd Oct 2020
Maths Trails: It wouldn’t be Maths Week without a Maths Trail!!!! We...
20th Oct 2020
18th Oct 2020
The children have been working on the Fundamental movement skills of kicking and...
16th Oct 2020
We had a super time during Maths week. Why not ask us about the beebots!
16th Oct 2020
The children have been exploring how people in the stone age used different tools...
14th Oct 2020
As part of our focus on the Games strand and in particular -Fundamental Movement...
9th Oct 2020
Over the past few weeks we have been enjoying LEGO® Therapy. We are working...
9th Oct 2020
Our friends are 6️⃣!🥳🎈🎁 This month in Senior Infants our theme is special...