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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher


2020/2021 School Year

14th Apr 2021
Our school has been working towards achieving the Pieta Amber Flag this year. The...
12th Apr 2021
This month we are working on the Fundamental Movement Skill of Skipping. Have...
6th Apr 2021
Congratulations to Ava Finneran and Cliodhna Ní Mhaonaigh on their recent...
31st Mar 2021
We focused on the Fundamental Movement Skill of Throwing over the month of March....
28th Mar 2021
Junior Infants in Room 2 have loved learning about all things Spring this March....
16th Mar 2021
Here are a small sample of the amazing work created during home schooling in third...
15th Mar 2021
During Safer Internet Week, we took part in an internal school Art /Slogan Competition...
1st Mar 2021
This month we are working on the Fundamental Movement Skill of Throwing. Have...
8th Feb 2021
The children have been writing poetry. Here are some of our amazing examples.