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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher


2022/2023 School Year

7th Sep 2022
We were so happy to see the sun shining for our first day back at school. We...
7th Sep 2022
We were so happy to see the sun shining for our first day back at school. Keep...
6th Sep 2022
Meet Liam, Robbie and Nataniel- The lads will raise our flags every morning and...
6th Sep 2022
Callie and Kian will take charge of the laptops and will bring them around to the...
6th Sep 2022
Meet Jeremy, Jesse, Adam, Amber and Sean who will be our P.E. Co-ordinators for...
1st Sep 2022
Ms. Dalton's busy bees were straight to work, showcasing their artistic abilities!...
31st Aug 2022
We had lots of excitement around the school on Tuesday when we welcomed back our...
31st Aug 2022
We were so happy to see the sun shining for our first day back at school. Keep...
31st Aug 2022
The sun shone on day 1 as we welcomed all our classes back to school for another...