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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher


2022/2023 School Year

8th Jun 2023
We had a great day joining up with the other 1st and 2nd class to go to Edgeworthstown....
30th May 2023
2nd Class went back in time to the Maria Edgeworth Centre in Edgeworthstown to see...
19th May 2023
Third class had an amazing day visiting the Norman Museum in Granard and the weather...
15th May 2023
Third and Fourth class enjoyed exploring the amazing little creatures living in...
11th May 2023
Our 6th Class boys and girls performed Our Bestie Challenge to raise awareness for...
9th May 2023
Third and fourth class designed really cool lighthouses! Look at our beautiful...
8th May 2023
Third and Fourth class had great fun designing their own bridges while incorporating...
8th May 2023
Third and Fourth class designed and made really cool lighthouses that light up our...