Access Keys:

St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

What Clubs are you in?

4th May 2021

The ASF Committee recently completed a survey on active clubs that our pupils were members of. We were surprised to find out the variety of local clubs servicing our area. We hope the results of the survey will encourage more children in our school to take up more physical activities outside of school. Please see below a number of interesting statistics collected!

  • Gaelic Football was the most popular sport throughout the whole school. This is not surprising given the G.A.A. tradition in our school.
  • Swimming, Community Games and our local Soccer club followed closely.
  • A small selection of children are involved in karate, tennis and chess.
  • There is a large volume of children involved in golf.
  • Dance is also popular amongst our pupils with a variety of genres of dance enjoyed by all.

Here are the local clubs our pupils are members of:

  • Killoe G.A.A. Club-Killoe Minor and Killoe Ladies Club
  • Longford Swimming Club
  • Killoe Celtic 
  • Killoe Community Games
  • Longford Falcons
  • Longford Rugby Club
  • Peelo School of Dance
  • Evoltion 
  • Longford Horse Riding
  • Longford Golf Club
  • Longford Slashers Camoige Club
  • Longford Karate Club
  • Longford Tennis Club
  • Longford Scouts.

Well done to all our pupils who are involved in a club outside of school.