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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

The Official Raising of our Amber Flag

7th Jul 2021

There was great excitement on Tuesday 22nd of June as we had our Official Amber Flag Raising Ceremony! Due to Covid restrictions we could only have a small selection of classes in attendance but with the Amber Flag Committee there, every class in the school was represented!

We were very privileged that local and international country music star Declan Nerney came to raise the flag as well as the Longford Leader and Fr. Sean Casey. Gerry Rowley was on hand to take the photographs - Thanks Gerry!

Mr. Mollaghan welcomed everyone to the school and congratulated the Amber Flag Committee on all their hard work including raising €620 for Pieta House.

Declan spoke to us about when he was a small boy coming to the local Ennybegs N.S. and how it gave him a great start in life. He also told us about how positive mental health is important at any age so he was delighted and honoured to come to our school to raise the flag!

The Amber Flag Committee told him about all the hard work that went into the winning the flag - from Wellbeing Week, our Buddy Bench, creating a Mental Health Awareness Notice Board, Mental Health Awareness Day and our colouring competition.

After Declan raised the flag he spoke with some of his biggest fans! Then he entertained us all with a performance of 'Stop the World and Let Me Off'!

It was the perfect celebration!