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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

Test your knowledge-Quiz

21st Sep 2020

Explore our new school Website:

Have a go at these questions and please write your answers on a sheet and return to school. You will be in with a chance to win a prize.

1.       True or False: There are 3 girls playing the tin whistle in the website heading picture.

2.       Which two places are named on the signpost in the website heading picture?

3.       Name the 4 schools in the parish that joined together to form a new school in 1971. (History)

4.       In what year will the next Board of Management be formed?

5.       What is the email address for the school office?

6.       Who is the teacher for Senior Infants this year?

7.       On what date will European School Sports Day 2020 take place?

8.       On what date in June 2021 will the school close for the Summer holidays?

9.       Who founded the School Band in 1978?

10.   How many male staff members are mentioned in the school staff list?