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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

Someone Like Me Art Competition

3rd Feb 2022

Huge congratulations to Matthew Yacob in Ms. Fox’s 6th class and Conor Nolan in Ms. Dalton’s Senior Infants who were chosen as the Senior and Junior County Winners of the Someone Like Me Art Competition for 2022. 

The virtual prize-giving ceremony took place on Thursday the 3rd of February  and we were all bursting with pride when Matthew was announced as the overall National Winner of the Someone Like Me Art Competition! 

This fantastic competition aims to promote disability awareness among primary school children and give them a greater understanding of what unites children of differing abilities.  Someone Like Me enables children to learn about and discuss these topics and creatively express what they’ve learned through art. 

Matthew’s amazing entry shows a number of individuals with varying abilities.  There are so many things that people with disabilities can do and they can make their abilities stronger than their disabilities.  Matthew wants to portray the message that “the only disability in life is a bad attitude”.  We could not agree more!  Congratulations to all!