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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

Science Week 2020

13th Nov 2020

This year Science week took place from November 8th to 15th. As part of our homework that week we had to research different scientists and complete some experiments at home which some of us recorded and uploaded to Seesaw. 

On Friday some of us brought in our experiments to show the class. Lily showed the class her experiment "Bouncy Eggs". She soaked some eggs in vinegar for 24 hours and then she brought them into the class to show everyone what had happened to the eggs. The shells of the eggs had dissolved and the eggs had gone rubbery and bouncy. We were able to bounce them lightly off the table.

Nathaniel showed us how he can charge his mobile phone using a 9 volt battery that was attached to a car charger. 

Emily Gilna showed us the "Salt and Pepper" experiment. She put some water on a plate and sprinkled salt and pepper on the top. Then Emily put some washing up liquid on her finger and dipped her finger  onto the surface of the water. The result was amazing. The salt and pepper separated and moved to the outer edge of the plate.

Next one was "Dancing Raisins" demonstrated by Jamie. Jamie began by filling glass with water and adding one spoonful of baking powder stirring until if dissolved. Then Jamie added vinegar to the solution. After a minute we could see a chemical reaction and bubbles started to form in the water. Then Jamie added the raisins which started to move up and down the glass like dancing raisins. 

Mia demonstrated the "Skittles experiment". She placed skittles around the edge of a plate and poured hot water onto the plate. She left for 5 minutes and hey presto the Skittles turned white - Magic!! We could see the colours from the skittles in the water. There was a rainbow of colours to be seen.

Aoibhínn demonstrated how to make a Lava Lamp. She poured vegetable oil into a glass jar 3/4 full and then fill it up with water. green food colouring was then added with some salt. Mrs Farrell added an Alka-Seltzer tablet for added effect. The result was amazing. It was a real life Lava Lamp.

For Emily's experiment we had to go outside. She had a bottle of Diet Coke and added lots of salt to the bottle... The coke exploded like a volcano and made an awful mess.

Peyton made an electro-magnet using a nail, copper wire  and a two AA batteries. When all was connected up the nail was transformed into a magnet and could lift up some paper clips. When the battery was disconnected the nail was no longer a magnet.

Ailbhe was next with her volcano inspired experiment. This one had to be done near the sink just in case!! Ailbhe started off with a glass jar and half filed it with water. next she added Fairy Liquid and then some green food colouring. Two spoons of bred soda were then added and finally lots of vinegar and lemon juice were poured in. The result was amazing!! It was exactly like a volcano exploding the foam went everywhere just like lava coming out of a volcano.

Finally we had Grace show us how she cleaned some dirty coins. She used ketchup,  Coke, vinegar and water. I t was obvious from the results that the best cleaning agent was ketchup!!