Access Keys:

St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

Plan for Book Distribution to families January 10th 2021

7th Jan 2021

We are inviting parents to collect their child’s books on Sunday January 10th. A schedule has been arranged to facilitate this, based on surname alphabetical order. Please follow the one-way system through the school car-park, where staff will provide you with your child’s box of books and school supplies. We advise that you do not leave your car for safety purposes and to ensure a steady movement of traffic during this collection process.

Timetable for collection of books – alphabetical order by surname.

12 -12:15pm – A-B

12:15-12:30pm – C

12:30-12:45pm – D, E, F

12:45-1pm – G, H, I, J

1-1:15pm – K, L

1:15 – 1:30pm – M, Mc

1:30- 1:45pm – N, O, P

1:45-2pm – Q, R, S

2- 2:15pm – T, V, W, Y

2:15 – 2:30pm – Books will be available for collection for any family who may have missed their allocated time.

We ask all families to work with these times to avoid traffic congestion problems around the school during this process.

 If you are unavailable to collect your child’s books on this day, please email and we will make arrangements for collection in the following days.