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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

P.E. Storeroom Clean Up

22nd Sep 2020

During the Summer of 2020, we bought new PE equipment. Our P.E. storeroom needed a good clean up after we had been missing from school since March. Mr. Toher and some of his happy helpers from 6th class took on the job of revamping our P.E. storeroom. The 6th class boys took the time to take an inventory and organise it neatly in the PE equipment storage room. They also labelled all of the equipment, old and new, so that it would be easier to find. We can't wait to try out the new equipment in our PE lessons. Our two 6th class P.E. helpers are Gavin and Aideen. They leave the P.E. equipment out in the hall for the class teachers to use during their P.E. lessons.

P.E. Inventory (7th Jun 2021) View download document