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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

P.E. Equipment Monitors

4th Sep 2020

P.E. Equipment Monitors:

Every year we appoint P.E. Leaders from 6th class. This is a very important job focusing on responsibility and leadership among our 6th class students.  Our P.E. Leaders visit each class on the day of their P.E. and ask the teacher what equipment they would like for their P.E. Lesson that day. All P.E. equipment for that day, is left in the P.E. hall. At the end of the day, our leaders brings back the equipment to the P.E. storeroom. We find this is the best way to keep track of our P.E. equipment and to keep our P.E. storeroom nice and tidy. Every Friday we do a clean-up of our P.E. storeroom and every term we complete an inventory of our equipment. This year’s P.E. Leaders are Gavin and Aideen from Mr. Toher’s 6th class.