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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

Parent and Pupil Questionnaires

30th Oct 2020

After one of our Active School Committee meetings last week, we decided to send out "Pupil" and "Parent" Questionnaires. We wanted to involve the whole school community and plan ahead for the year taking into consideration the views of our students and parents. The results back were interesting and we are now able to plan ahead and try and include some of the ideas the students and parents made in our plans.

In general, most parents agreed that their child enjoyed P.E. Class. There were mixed views on what part of the programme they felt their child enjoyed the most. Games and Athletics were definitely the two favourite strands.

Some parents suggested the following:

  • More P.E. time
  • A greater variety for Active School Week
  • To bring in some outside agencies and sports people to give talks
  • More engagement with Aquatics
  • A greater variety of sports
  • To encourage dance or a non-sporty activity
  • To give home activities
  • Keep parents up to date with what is going on in the school
  • Make Active School Week longer!!!

Parents felt the school running initiative was a huge benefit both physically and mentally. They stated that it was a huge benefit to them in relation to improving fitness. They felt their children loved 10 @10 and activities from Go Noodle especially during the winter months. Parents felt that our school's participation in the Active School Flag process was very positive and very worthwhile. Many parents loved the insight into their son or daughter's class twitter and Instagram pages.

We really enjoyed the feedback we got from the most important people in this process-our students!

Most pupils really enjoy P.E. They like it because it makes them fit. Some students requested extra P.E. and for more time to be spent on this subject. They loved the running initiative as some felt it destressed them from the pressures in class  and it takes their mind off working. Some requested tag rugby and more activities to make Active School Week better. Others wanted to vote on what students do for P.E. and to buy new equipment. Students Versus the Teachers in any sport was suggested by a lot of students. Unfortunately for this year, we may have to take a step back from that approach but we hope to come up with other inventive ideas. Some children feel the Active School Flag process is very good because they are doing a lot of different activities every day to keep active.


We will be using this information to plan ahead for this year.

Thank you to all our parents and students who returned forms.

The Active School Committee