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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

Our P.E. Hall Timetable

22nd Sep 2020

At the start of every year, we organise a P.E. Timetable for every class. Every class has an allocated P.E. Hall slot for at least one hour. Some classes have decided to do have 2 30 minute slots. Other classes have 1 60minute slot.

All classes are taught the different P.E. Strands each year:





Outdoor and Adventure



We allocate a balanced amount of time to each of the different P.E. Strands.

We have also tried to focus on 15 Fundamental Movement Skills. The Active Flag Pupils' and Teachers' Committees came together to organise the Fundamental Movement Skills to be taught over 2 years: Year 1 and Year 2.

We teach the Land PAWS Water Safety Programme at the middle grade. We were due to start going to swimming lessons but COVID19 have cancelled our plans. We hope to be able to go swimming soon.