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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

Longford Primary School Relay Races

25th Apr 2023

Last Friday evening in Newtownforbes over 70 boys and girls from our school took part in the 9th Co. Longford Primary School Relays. Fourteen relay races of 4 x 200m took place as well as ten 200m races for children not on a relay team.

  A record 19 national schools were represented and we were very proud of all our representatives from 2nd to 6th Class. Special mention to our 4th and 5th Class Girls Relay teams, our 6th Class boys Relay team and to Belle Lin and Lola Galvin winning medals on the evening. A lot of boys and girls represented our school for the first time and did so with great enthusiasm, heart and determination.   Thanks to Longford AC for running such a wonderful event once again and to Mr. Toher and Mrs. Corr in helping prepare and organise the children for the team relays.