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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

Jobs in the Community

30th Nov 2023

Over the past few weeks, the children in Room 5 have had some very special visitors. 
As we were learning all about jobs in the community in English and SESE, some parents volunteered their time to come in and tell us a out their jobs.
They answered all sorts of questions. From what they wanted to be when they were 8, to the training involved and the best parts of their jobs to the most challenging parts!
Each of them took time to give thoughtful and inspiring answers.

Thank you so much to Fionn's dad Stephen (who also took us for GAA training and brought in the Connnolly Cup) and Alana's mum Claire!

Also special mention to Miss Sheridan who was with us for teaching practice and asked her Dad Derek in too! 

We really learned so much about jobs in our community!

There are now lots of aspiring business owners, sports coaches and hairdressers in 2nd Class!