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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

Internet Safety Week

24th Feb 2022

We recently celebrated Internet Safety Week. We had Internet Safety Workshops with Enda from CyberSafe Kids for all classes from 3rd to 6th class. Local community guards from Edgeworthstown visited our 5th and 6th classes on Friday to have a chat with them on Cyberbullying and staying safe while online. As a school, every class began their Digital Safety Modules which we will continue into the month of February and March.Last Tuesday we celebrated Safer Internet Day and every child received Safer Internet Day wristbands. We looked at all the positive sides of the Internet from being able to skype friends or relations, to shopping, to helping research for projects. We also looked at the importance of being safe while on the internet, not giving anyone your passwords and not talking to strangers or giving information out. We also stressed the importance of being “nice” to each other. We held a poster art competition on the topic of “Internet Safety”. There was fantastic work created from Junior Infants all the way to 6th class. Our teachers had a very tough job to pick class winners. Well done to all the girls and boys in the school on their fantastic work and to their teachers for helping them.



Junior Infants-Mrs. Penrose

Leah Brady

Isabel Garvey

Junior Infants-Ms. Connaughton

Cillian Kiernan

Caoimhe Reynolds

Senior Infants-Ms. Dalton

Emily Nolan

Myles Christie

Senior Infants-Mr. Mimnagh

Cian O’Reilly

Meadow Westall

1st Class-Ms. Kane

Marianne Rose Quinn

Brian Flanagan

Aobhinn Reynolds

1st/2nd Class-Ms. Esler

Meadow Westall

Oisin Larkin

2nd Class-Mrs. Corr

Adam Doyle

Ellen Gibney

3rd Class-Ms. Brady

Clodagh Quinn

Amelia Small

3rd/4th Class-Ms. Gray

Saoirse Browne

Rhys O’Reilly  

4th Class-Ms.Reehill

Grace Lee

Sophie Coyle

5th Class-Mrs. Farrell

Ronan Sheridan

Gracie Reehill

5th/6th Class-Ms. Fox

Nadine Callaghan

Finn Larkin

6th Class-Mr. Toher

Molly Mc Cormack

Olachi Alajemba