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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

How we are dealing with Covid19!

4th Nov 2020

How we are dealing with Covid-19 in St Teresa’s NS:

Covid-19 has definitely impacted our school. Everyone in our school has had to adapt to this new way of living and going to school. We are going to explain some ways we have been dealing with the virus:

Sanitising in school:

Each class in our school has a sanitising station outside of their classroom. We sanitise our hands when we come into school, when we go out for break and when we are leaving to go home. We regularly sanitise our hands as you can see. The teachers also sanitise their hands as much as possible to prevent spreading germs.

The teachers and their bubble:

Each teacher in our school has a bubble in their classroom. They don’t have to wear a mask when in their bubble but when leaving their bubble they have to wear a mask or a visor. The bubble is around the teacher`s desk, and the whiteboard. The children aren’t allowed in the teacher`s bubble.

Our pods:

In each classroom we have pods. Pods are groups of 5 to 6 people. We have to stay in our pods during the day but when we are outside we can leave our pods. Junior infants up to Second class don’t have to social distance but they do have pods. Third class up to Sixth class do have to social distance as best as they can.

Cleaning around the school:

In the school, we try to keep everything clean by wiping down the tables, stacking up the chairs and sweeping the floors at the end of the day.  At the end of every day, the cleaners come in and sanitise everything to help prevent the spread of germs.

We hope we can return to some form of normality very soon. Fingers crossed!!!

By: Matilda Sullivan and Dayna Flynn