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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

Green School Committee 2023

10th Sep 2023

Meet our new Green School Committee for 2023!

The new committee will work together towards the Green Flag for Global Citizenship - Energy.
Energy is the seventh theme in the Green-Schools Programme; it is a maintenance theme which revisits our school’s efforts on the Energy theme while expanding to look at energy and climate issues worldwide. 

The first item on the agenda was to go back over the flag for Global Citizenship-Litter and Waste. We did an audit on the bins around the school and put new signage on all classroom bins. We talked about keeping our school litter free.

As a start to the energy theme, Gerry took the 6th Class members to the electricity metre and showed them how to read it. They will be keeping a track of our electricity usage over the coming months.

We are just getting started.. Keep an eye on the Green School Notice Board at the front door (and here!) for updates!