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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

Feedback from Parents after Active School Week 2021

10th May 2021

Parent’s Feedback Re: Active School Week:

School Active Week was one of the highlights in St. Teresa’s N.S. this year. With COVID-19 stopping all activities for children for over a year, Active School Week was a great way to get children moving and enjoying taking part in different activities. I thought it was brilliant that each day they did something different.

Active school week was so important this year due to the covid pandemic. The children really needed to get out and get active as a group and have a bit of craic between them. It was definitely one of the best weeks in school so far this year. A huge thanks to the teachers who went above and beyond to organise this. Thank you do much. 

Active School’s week was a move away from organised sport that was about getting active in a fun way. The kids were active unbeknownst to themselves because the activities were purely done in a non-competitive fun way - active play. I think active play is something kids miss out on nowadays because of busy after school schedules and inactive online can forget how much fun active play so active school week reminds them about getting out and having fun.

Active Week was great fun and so well organised. My son really enjoyed being able to take part and experience different activities e.g. Parkour, tag rugby and dance. We also really enjoyed it as a family. We all got the fitbits out and had a daily step challenge-A great way of focusing on keeping active. Thank you for all your time and dedication to the kids.

As a parent all I can say is that Active Week was truly amazing for the children of St. Teresa’s N.S. The children were able to interact and have fun for the first time in a long time while still adhering to social distance guidelines. It is so important for children to be active and active week made it fun and I think going forward it’s important that activities like this are included in the curriculum.

Active School’s Week is always a much- anticipated event with my children and this year did not disappoint. The staff and facilitators provided varied and well organised events throughout the week that my son enjoyed very much. This year I feel it was particularly important for the children to have this event allowing them some much needed fun with their friends whilst learning new skills and experiencing new activities. A fantastic success and well done to all involved.

What a fantastic week for all the kids! They were exposed to a wide variety of activities and the enthusiasm and excitement around the school was infectious. Of particular note, was the inspiring videos from local sporting heroes. A superb idea and no doubt has set the seed in many a young mind for the future!