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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

Dream Space 2024

11th Jun 2024

Ms Reehill’s 5th class were delighted to get the opportunity to attend Edgeworthstown Community Centre with Longford Co.Council & Microsoft in Dublin with their Microbit projects for the Dream Space exhibitions. We achieved 1st place in two categories for Best design and prototype of a tech solutions to a Global Goal & Most Innovative project in the Granard Municipal District showcase. We learned so much from the projects and all aspects of them integrated with the curriculum.

Project 1 – Keep the fish Swimming

This project was based on the Global goal – Life below water. Our aim was to reduce and clean up the amount of plastic in our oceans and rivers. We used a microbit to power and control a motor fan in a boat. The boat had an attachment to collect the plastic and bring it to the shore where it could then be disposed of in a safe and secure way. We also made a second boat out of recycled materials and powered it with a microbit and sensor motor.

Project 2 – No Hunger

This project was based on the Global Goal - Zero Hunger- End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

Our aim was to enable vegetables to be grew in all types of climates. We used a number of different types of soils, manures & fertilizers and measured the soil moisture using a microbit. Our findings were that the quality of the soil also had a huge impact on the growth and that cow or horse manure grew the seeds with little or no water. 

Project 3 – Alcohol Detector

This project was based on the Global Goal 3 – Good Health & Well-being.

Our aim was to reduce road deaths. We designed an alcohol detector that we hope will become mandatory in every car and will be used before the engine starts. The microbit read the value of the alcohol. We used hand sanitizer for the project to test the level of alcohol.

Project 4 – Get Moving

This project was based on the Global Goal Good Health & Well-being. We made a pedometer using a microbit. Our aim was to get young people away from the screens and active in the evenings. We had a number of rewards built into the pedometer. We wanted to encourage all young people to get more active. From our survey 75% of young people only take part in one or no activity or club outside of school.