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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

'COW' Cycle on Wednesday, part of National Bike Week

15th May 2024
What a wonderful day we had in St. Teresa's NS as we celebrated our first annual COW (Cycle on Wednesday) as part of National Bike Week! This year, it also coincided with the official opening of the new pathway from our school to Enybegs by Minister of State for Transport, Jack Chambers.

Well over 100 children cycled to school today!! Some came on scooters, some with stabilisers and lots with bikes! All wearing their high vis jackets and helmets.

There was great excitement as they set off from the Community Centre led by our 6th class pupils.

As they arrived at the school they were greeted with lots of applause and cheers by children and staff!

It was a great way to start the day... by getting active and helping to reduce the carbon emissions in our environment!

Thanks to all the parents who made the extra effort to park and cycle, who cycled themselves and encouraged their children to cycle. Also, thank you to the staff who helped supervise the route!