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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

Amber Flag

10th Jun 2021


Mrs Corr and the committee:

Mrs Corr is the head of the Amber Flag committee along with some helpers including Mrs Moran, Mrs Belton and our principal Master Mollaghan. The committee has a range of pupils starting from 1st class all the way up to 6th class and they work very hard on what they do.

The committees aim:

The committees aim was to raise money for Pieta house/Darkness into Light. They had many ideas but settled for one, the one they thought was best. There idea was to have a non-uniform day.

Meetings and money:

The committee had many meetings to find ideas for Pieta House.They ended up raising an amazing 620 euros by the children bringing in 1 up to 5 euros and participating greatly. They also had some great activities such as an art competition and much more.

Well done to everyone.

Dayna and Tilly

6th Class

Mr. Toher