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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

Active School Week

7th May 2021

Active School Week

Last week was Active School Week. We had so many fun activities throughout the week. On Monday, 5th Class and 6th  class had a Spinathon and I think I can speak for everyone that it was so much fun. We also launched the school Active Walkway. On Tuesday we had circuits on the pitch. The circuits included football, soccer and rugby skills. On Wednesday we did dancing on the pitch and everyone said dancing was easy but I think they changed their mind after that class. On Thursday we had tag rugby. In our class it was very competitive, to see who could grab the most tags. On Friday 5th and 6th class had basketball with Longford Falcons. We learned lots of new skills such as dribbling and concentration. All throughout the week we had challenges every day from the teachers to famous Longford athletes. We also had some parkour lessons throughout the week. We also finished Run Around Ireland that we did for the month of April. I really enjoyed this week and congratulations to everyone who won the slogan competition.

                                                            Sorcha Ní Mhaonaigh